Tuesday, July 11, 2006


This is a post that I had posted in my main blog but I would like to keep it where it can be seen and remind myself how far I have come. Yes, all of the pictures are me...lol.
(Original post June 27, 2006)

I love my family and can't stand some of them either…lol. I had a wonderful time the entire weekend. Where we were on Saturday it drizzled on and off while we were at our outdoor event. We were blessed with a good day in spite of it all. Each day I ate real good. But guess what I only gained .2 lbs. Go me go me! Okay, that is because I made sure I was moving my bottom everyday. I didn't sit down too much on Friday except to eat, Saturday you would have thought I was a little kid playing all of the games, and Sunday after dinner I got up and danced with everyone else. . So I am very proud of myself.
But you know what I wanted to hear, that I looked good and oh how have I changed. Well most of my family have seen me smaller but not this small so I got a few low compliments. I guess they didn't want to embarrass me. The family I barely remember feels the same about me (extended family), and all the rest remember me as the little girl (5 yrs old above) in the wedding but I am just much taller now. Ghee thanks. I forgot they haven't seen the in between. So this got me digging. Not that I showed anyone though, but I found a few before pictures, actually at my highest (240lbs. at the age of 14 or 15). The before pictures on my picture page are actually tame. I guess that is because I had lost weight previously and I was on my way back up until I had a reality check. So now you can see the ugly truth. Oh, I don't think I ever mentioned that I am blind, so you can see my famous grandma huge glasses.
Well at the bottom you can see me now. That me and my sis at the banquet on the last day of the Reunion. I guess I now can see why my brother said that I don't look like his sister anymore. I don't. I lived the majority (15 years, who's counting) of my life as that other person. These pictures bring up a few emotions for me. I remember doing a lot of crying and how much I thought people didn't like me, but I always had friends. Go fig. (In the black shirt I thought I was too cute last week, I was taking pic at 3am...lol) Did I say family can get on your last nerves, well they can. Out of my Mom and her 5 sisters, only one of them is not dramatic (I'm sorry it's not my mother...lol) Why do they have to put on a show every where we go. I bet you the distant familly thought we were a bunch of crazies. Getting all emotional over nothing. I guess you had to be there. Speaking of crazies.I never really though it was true, but every family really do have crazy people in them. I won't go into detail but just say they were married into the family and we had to watch out for the kids as well as our belongings. Who knew, I always though, "not in mine". I was in for a rude awakening. Well at least I can say that they are not even on the same family tree branch that I come from…lol. Now go look back and for the between the pictures. I already did. And did you see Dee's last comment on my blog she said I look like this season's America's Next Top Model winner, HEY! Model in the house. Yall better watch out...lol. Okay, I know, only in my dreams.